For Edrolo courses that feature topic tests, unit exams and progress checks, teachers can mark students' short answer exam submissions.

Accessing Exam Submissions

You can view student answers to exam questions by accessing the Subject Page, navigating to the relevant Topic Page and clicking the 'View Submissions' button for the exam results grid

The Results Grid

The results grid includes a breakdown of student responses and plots the class average data for each question. In the results grid, you can also see students' self-allocated marks. To find out more about how students self-mark their work, see our Self-Marking Exams Help Article. If the student obtained all available marks for an individual question, the question square will be green. If not, the question square will be red. 


Marking Entire Exams

To mark student exam submissions question by question, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Mark this exam in the top right corner of the results grid pageMark_this_exam__1_.png
  2. View the question, video solutions and written suggested solutions
  3. Scroll down to view all of your student's answers and self-allocated marks for that individual question
  4. Assign your own marks and comments by clicking edit/comment next to each student's name. Be sure to click Save after making individual changes.Marking_Exams_1.png

You can then repeat this for all questions in the exam. 


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