Viewing Individual Student Progress

There are various ways that you can view the individual progress of a student in your class.

All student names will appear at the top of the Subject Overview page and you can click any of the student names to open their individual progress report. 


You can also view full class and individual students' progress directly from each lesson chapter. 

  1. From the Unit Overview, click on View Responses on the right side of any practice exam or question set. 

  1. This will open the full class progress for the specific exam. 
  2. From this view, to open the individual progress of a student, simply click on any of the student’s names on the left. 


  1. This will then open a comprehensive overview of the student's progress for each completed topic. 

For video lessons, you can see how many videos the student has viewed, their quiz results and self-ratings. 


For textbook courses, you can view the student's progress through textbook theory review questions and a breakdown of their self-reflections for that topic. You can also click the dropdown icon to see how the student has responded to individual questions.


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